Colour Healing Readings

I offer varied methods of readings both by internet and in practice at Healthways in Bolton just off Chorley Old Road Bolton. I also have a new and exciting way to offer guidance on self anaysis through Colour at my "Pamper me with Colour " parties that can be hosted in your home environment. Here you will feel the power of Colour breathing and learn how to utilise the foods we eat and the clothes we wear to create a more beneficial and balanced way of being. Join a group of friends to share this journey and feel the benefits of relaxation techniques that will aid your system to re-balance. You will all receive a beautiful Colour infused stone to use in your daily life, this is sheer indulgence from the inside out...

Each colour has its own vibrational energy that we absorb in our auras and through our skin. This means the clothes we wear, the colours we choose for our homes and within our everyday lifestyles and in the different foods we eat. Through the science of colour we are able to understand how each of the main colours affects our physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Colour Healing is a divine science, not a cult or fad recently invented or discovered. it was used effectively in the Golden Age of Greece and in the Healing Temples of light and Colour at Heliopolis in ancient Egypt. Colour has the beautiful and purposeful mission of allieviating both classes of disease with the pristine power of Light. The seven major centres in the body each has their own particular rate of vibration and absorb from the food we eat, the thoughts we think and even the emotions we harbour. You are all the product of your Colour responses to the various circumstances through which you have passed during the aeons of time. Colour healing (Chromotherapy) aims at re-establishing your colour balance by breaking through the dams of error thoughts you have created thus Colour starvation has manifested in a physical or emotional illness or state of unbalance. Your aura may have been exposed or shattered and the use of Colour will re-establish both mental and emotional equilibrium.

The colour system is a way to gain an understanding of what is influencing your life at the moment and and aid to recognising where you need to heal. This is a starting point of any inner healing as it allows you to remove old cells of ingrained information and enable you to feel re-established. This in turn makes you more in control of your self direction and choices made from a more informed state of mind. We are the creators of our life and therefore need to be as directors not actors on a stage. Breaking habits is difficullt, but we must visualise and focus from a positive, balanced state of mind to be where we want to be. My philosophy that allows me to be happy is..

."To thine own self be true..."

Readings by Appointment

To book a slot at Healthways use the Contact Form or e-mail for further information.

Slots are 45 minutes with 15 consultations and 30 minutes  relaxation and balancing techniques which are used to open up your energy system ready for your Healing.
Fee : £45

Readings by Internet


Colour Readings

Select 9 colour bottles that you are drawn to. You tend to select colours through the filter of your auric field.  The colours in your auric field represent the issues you are currently dealing with. Add to the form any specific questions you feel you need guidance on with your reading. On receipt of your order you will be advised when to expect to receive your personalised reading in the post.

Fee for Internet Colour Reading: £60  GO TO READING PAGE

Click the GO TO READING PAGE button and you will be taken to the page to select your 9 bottles, when completed you will be directed to the shopping cart.

star-readingAscension Star Reading

Select 7 colour bottles and place them on the star. The points on the star represent your Body-Heart-Mind-Spirit and offers insights into challenges, how to clear blocks and what the outcome will be.  A special message from your Higher Self or the Angelic realms is included. On receipt of your order you will be advised when to expect to receive your personalised reading in the post.

Fee for Internet Ascension Star Reading: £40  GO TO READING PAGE

Click the GO TO READING PAGE button and you will be taken to the page to select your 7 bottles, when completed you will be directed to the shopping cart.