Vision Boards
"...Vision boards are much more than the sum of their parts and more than pictures placed on a board with words and phrases. They are an essential tool …"
A vision board is simply a visual representation or collage of the things that you want to have, be, or do in your life. It consists of a poster, book or board with cut-out pictures, drawings and/or writing the things that you want in your life or the things that you want to become. The purpose of a vision board is to activate “The Law of attraction”, to begin to pull things from your external environment that will enable you to realize your dream. By selecting pictures and writing that charges your emotions with feelings of passion, you will begin to manifest those things into your life.
Your personal vision board is only limited by the extent of your own creativity. Some of my students have produced simple vision books/boards and others have made vision boards that could probably sell for a considerable amount of money. Having artistic ability is not a prerequisite for creating a functional vision board, however and the procedures I’ve outlined in your personalized book can be used by anyone. The books are designed for any person regardless of age and I have personally found doing these with young people has given them a sense of purpose and clarity in their life where they feel this has been lacking.
Vision boards are one of the most powerful ways to visualize your goals and more so to give you focus and keep you on the path of your own creation. It allows you to set the goals as the director not an extra on the set in your life! Everything that comes into your life you attract and by virtue of the images you are creating within your thoughts. Your vision board reinforces your positive images and enables you to attract the best possible life. The vision you hold is the key between your daily goals and your lifetime purpose. Don’t be an extra, practice the law of attraction and believe in your visions…
"Most people are extras in their own movie" (Bob Proctor) Everybody deserves to live an extraordinary life but this has to be designed through mental strength and will. The will enables you to create the vision and hold onto it regardless of the outside influences. Your Vision board will inspire you to attract the happiness you deserve. Even the most powerful person deals with ups and downs, but a great vision board enables you to stay positive and create the life you really want. it also keeps you focusing on the bigger picture of your life. If we were to look historically at all the great achievers they have been visionary figures who projected into the future. They thought of what could be, rather than what already was. This was due to the very fact that they moved themselves into action to bring things into fruition.
When you make a firm decision hold onto the vision and positive ways to improve things will unfold for you, this will in turn allow your life to flow. The ultimate power of visualization will allow you to tap into your areas of your life that you want moving forward. Intention and faith in yourself will create a life that has been designed by you. Be the star in your own movie and learn to attract the best that you deserve.
"Seeing your dreams come true" Now is the time for you to suspend your disbelief- to believe that anything I possible in your life and to embrace change. Be brave and take the leap- what comes next will amaze you... Visioning is a self-exploration process and also known as "soul searching" to many... "Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your heart... Who looks outside, Dreams Who looks inside, Awakes" (Carl Jung) "All true artists, whether they know it or not, create from a place of no-mind, from inner stillness"
- *Focus you on what is really important in life.
- *Delve into the hidden "stuff" in your life and clarify your true vision.
- *Enhance your inner awareness and have a clear focus.
- *Assist you in finding the "Authentic" you.
- *Find out what makes you special & embrace your differences.
- *Reframe your day to day patterns and promote a more positive approach.
- *Reveal the secret to an extraordinary life by knowing who you truly are.
What you will receive:
- 1 personalized workbook with an energy reading to influence your creation
- 1 printed Cheque from "The Secret" to start your manifestation and embrace The Law of attraction
- A set of quotes to inspire your journey
- 4 x 1 hourly sessions via-e-mail to support your participation in creating your board.
- A certificate to celebrate your achievement in creating your new journey.
- Once your Vision Board is completed I will send you a photograph of energy colours to visualize on and aid your balanced state of mind now it is focused.
Fee for your complete Vision Boards Pack: £25.00Â GO TO VISION BOARD PACK
Click the GO TO VISION BOARD PACK button and you will be taken to the site shop to purchase.